Monday, November 17, 2008
SNAP! Magazine Issue 4
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Issue 3
We've started distributing the issue around town and will post distribution points on our site ( in the next few days. For now, you can view it from the link below.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Issue 2!
So we just launched issue 2 which was a right old hoot! We had a bit of a celebratory night at Blue Dog and had quite the turnout. For anyone who didn't make it to this party but have been to previous parties, think 3 times the amount of people and you'll be close to half way. There was a throng 4-deep around the bar (free drinks will do that) with each table / chair / nook taken.
It was quite the night and I kicked back (after a very stressful day) with a few brewskies and reveled in the number of people that I didn't know.
Anyway ... we are now busy putting the magazine around town. We are much more prepared and organized this time and we're nearly there. We've already had quite a few emails from wannabe contributors as well as a few die-hard fans in Niger who want to give me money in exchange for a bank account. I'm tempted ... free money? Bring it on!
Anyway ... issue 3 is well under way and we are out hunting more advertising as it's about time that we made some money!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Zoe Pawlak on snapme
Saturday, June 28, 2008
We've had a relaxing week and a half. Work on edition 3 is well under way but given that we are still printing number 2, we are taking it a little slower than usual. This means that we've been out and about more, catching some cancer rays and enjoying the beginnings of the Montreal Jazz Fest (cause everyone likes a good jazz festival!). Montreal in the summer can't be beaten!
We're really happy with how edition 2 looks and can't wait to get it out there. We'll keep you posted about launch party details etc. Rock en the Seine!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Back in business
We went to print for edition 2 on Tuesday and it looks bloody awesome! We're so excited to get this edition out so now we're just waiting for that printing process ... hopefully it will be a smoother run compared to the first time 'round. Watch this space!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Hit Parade SNAP! TV
11 people lay on the side walk outside Sala Rossa and each tapped a microphone on the ground 1,000 times. Once they had finished their 1,000, they got up and stepped away.
It took a good 15-20 minutes or so. We took a few bets on who was going to be the last man lying and I don't like to boast, but I basically had the last 3 sorted.
It was interesting to watch as the participants varied their beats throughout the 'performance.' The last two participants actually finished at the same time - a guy and a girl. The guy was tapping super fast (I'm guessing he was up to 567 when everyone else finished). In contrast, the girl (probably at 989) was tapping few and far between. They had a bit of a beat going between the two of them which was really nice.
Shannon was our host and nabbed a few interviews with the participants as well as Christof, the organizer. He did a similar event in Seoul, South Korea. There was a pretty good turn out and cars were forced to slow down and drive around the hordes of passersby, stopping for a gander.
We'll have the SNAP! TV up soon so I'll keep you posted!
A big thanks again to the boys at 'Dans le Sac' for shooting. You guys rock!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Where are the paps?
We have had several recycling containers stolen so poked gin bottle in amongst our neighbours organic sprout and mushroom boxes. We really should ask our landies for recycling box number 5 and label it with our street number.
One day we'll be semi-famous, D-grade celebrities most likely, and the paps will be snapping us as we run around scantily clad in the wee hours of the morning, boxer shorts and 'I love Oz' shirts on a sleepy 7.30 St. Laurent.
In real SNAP!-related news, we have had our first entries for the banner contest. Kirsten McCrea actually sent in 8 entries with the sentence "I made eight, I love you guys that much." I'm starting to feel the love and wonder that my mother hasn't entered yet.
Anyway, the banners rock! And once we finish work on the site, we'll be loading them! We'll be sending Kirsten a lovely Drawn & Quarterly book so get involved and join the ranks!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Here is a sneak preview. Watch this space for more!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Design a SNAP! banner to win a Drawn & Quarterly prize!
We are running a promotion to design a banner for the SNAPME site. Submissions can be in the form of photography, illustration, painting, you name it and we'll take it. Send your work at 6.5" x 1" at 300 dpi to Oh SNAP!
As a special thank you, we will be rewarding designers with their very own book from Drawn & Quarterly. Here are a few image covers to get you excited.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Edition 2
It's a busy but exciting week ahead as we will wrap up content submissions - words, images and design. We have a few photo shoots planned as well as a bunch of photos to take ourselves. The street guide makes for a lot of footwork and we hope to knock it over by the weeks end. So we'll be prowling about town trying to sweet talk our way into free cafe lattes, sushi platters, and whatever else we can get our dirty paws on.
We have several graphic designers working with us on edition 2 so a big welcome to Xavier Tolentino and Andrea Ferro. Our mainstay Sarah Williams will be keeping an eye on them but we're excited to spread our design wings and experiment a little.
This week also spells a big push towards securing advertising dollars (there are only so many instant noodles that even I can take). So I'm thinking phone calls, press kits, repeated emails, restraining orders and saxophones on Guy Street. Should be a hoot!
We also have a few SNAP! TV plans, one of which we will shoot tomorrow afternoon. It's all a little hush hush at this stage but check back for more info.
So a big good night from this slightly neglected blog! I'll try to tend to it with greater care but no promises promises! Oh SNAP!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Print Edition 1 Launch!
Hey everyone ... so this blog has been a little neglected but we have been very busy within the SNAP! world. So stay with us!
Last night was a bit of a momentous night with the launch of print edition 1. A big thanks to everyone who came along and made it an enjoyable time! The magazine will be distributed across Montreal by the end of the week so keep an eye on the site as we list distribution points. For now, you can view the mag on our site so go take a look! (
Edition 2 is well under way and we were encouraged by positive feedback last night! Photos will be uploaded soon! Oh SNAP!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
SNAP! Sessions Mark I with 'The Darling De Maes'
So last night was our first SNAP! Sessions with a local band called 'The Darling De Maes.' I still haven't found out what 'De Maes' means ... I should have asked the band ...
It was a pretty great night and the band were really good. Apparently we have amazing acoustics in the SNAP! Salon (I take that as a personal compliment, naturally) and the drummer said he had "never had so much fun playing" (I'm obviously also taking that personally). So they played a few songs, our film crew filmed from two different angles (technology these days). Can't wait until the SNAP! TV is up.
The night is meant to be an 'intimate and interactive' affair which basically means we want the band to interact with the audience. Most attendees were friends of the band so I did ma best to ask varied and interesting questions ... just to get the ball rolling like. Of course I was one of the only people asking really great questions. To spice things up a bit, I whispered to the guy next to me and prompted him to ask some pearls too. Anyway ... we'll see how it all looks on the site and I'll let you know when it's up (cause you want to know).
It has been a pretty chilled Sunday in the Salon. Our new graphic designer Sarah has been over all day working on the mag. We go to print for edition 1 in just a week so it's that run towards the finish line. I did my best to keep spirits high with a tasty melange pasta of spinach, tomato and mushroom. I threw in a few cheeky wee brewskies for good measure and voila!
I'm working on the launch party at the moment. We hope to get some kind of SNAP! 'dog tag' made which we will give out with each copy of the magazine. Gotta get that name out! So we are working with a few local designers and have thrown around some interesting ideas.
Well ... I don't want this post to drag on for too long so happy Sunday evening! A+
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Catch up
All is well in the SNAP! world. We are working hard towards our deadline of releasing print edition 1 May 9th. It's a big push but we're all pretty psyched to get something out there in the flesh (cause a magazine has personality you know ...).
Our first 'SNAP! Sessions' will happen next Saturday night with the Darling Demaes playing. I have a meeting with organizer Alec Elsworth this afternoon to knock out details etc. Should be a fun night and the first of many! We plan to film the music nights and get them up on the site.
We went to an interesting 'Nationality Stereotypes' party last night. It was pretty last minute.
My costume: a tee with an upside-down picture of Australia being held by a koala; an Aussie flag in my pocket (the joys of having a mother who is trying to get me home is frequent Australia-related gifts) and a pink sweat band around my wrist (cause we're into those you know).
Best costume of the night went to a Romanian gypsy, complete with gold hoops and all. Not sure how politically / socially / economically correct the whole thing was but you know ... nice to get out and about with our Montreal peeps!
Apparently Australians drink a lot so I had to get into costume / character ... now in need of some poutine ...
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I think spring is here! After the last gasp of winter yesterday, it seems that spring is finally here! This morning I hung out our front window for some people watching (gotta love living on St. Laurent!).
Today I had a good meeting with two of the guys from Indyish and we have some exciting projects in the works! So watch this space for more info to come!
(Picture from Chloe Beaulac - now exhibiting at Blizzarts).
Friday, April 4, 2008
Lost at E minor
Lost at E minor
Taking the Plunge (Literally)
Two unfortunate things have happened in the last 24 hours or so. First of all, it snowed. I cannot believe it is snowing. In April. Actually, that's a lie. I'm sure this happened last year, or even the year before, I just block it out every time because it just isn't fair. Being from Toronto doesn't really give me any justification to hate winter because I've been told that we get it pretty tame compared to say, the prairies or something, but any excuse to complain about something is alright with me. Yeah, I'm definitely not bitter about winter at all...
The second thing was that my phone got waterlogged. As in dropped in a lot of water. So now the screen looks like it is dripping from the inside and the colours go all funny and it won't charge. Which is all kind of problematic considering I really have no other line of communication besides the Internet, which has also been faulty recently. I think it's a sign that I should become a hermit or something... good thing I live at the bottom of a mountain. I hope Rogers believes my story and gives me a new phone. Life could be disastrous otherwise, and I'd rather not think about it.
In other news (the actual reason I was supposed to contribute to this blog in the first place), the Snap! podcast is (slowly) picking up speed. There's already one episode up on the Snap! website called "Electro Shock Therapy" and, well, it's pretty shocking. In a good way. But there is still more to come! As well as having a great heap of excellent music to play, we've got some sweet artists we're looking to snag for an interview. Don't worry, loyal readers, you'll find out who they are soon enough. The suspense is overwhelming, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How to learn French in 10 easy steps
How to learn French in 10 easy steps:
Step 1: Sign up for a three week French course. Flirt with your interviewer and be assigned to a level well beyond your skills. Regularly skip class in a vain attempt to ‘catch up’ with your fluent classmates. Spend ‘catch up days’ lying in parks thinking about French.
Step 2: Get into constant trouble from a teacher who thinks you understand what is going on in class. Be under the misguided impression that he is complimenting your shoes and smile sweetly.
Step 3: Start a conversation exchange and speak only English as your exchange partner is unable to understand your pronunciation / English words mumbled in a faux French accent.
Step 4: Hang out with Quebecois friends. Be so nervous that you speak only English.
Step 5: Start watching English movies with French subtitles. Lose all sense of plot, characterisation or idea of what is actually happening in the film.
Step 7: Start watching French movies dubbed in English. Attempt to lip read the French actors, while shuddering under out-of-sync dubbing. Become even more confused than in Step 4 and 5 combined.
Step 8: Hang out in cafes in French speaking areas. Be asked out by random 40 year old men who think you are trying to wink at them, as opposed to listen in to their tales of drunken revelry.
Step 9: In shops / cafés, pretend that you are French. Say your ‘merci’ with confidence and your ‘de rien’ with flair. When posed with a lengthy French tirade, feign deafness and get out of there tout de suite!
Step 10: Throw all French studying plans out the window. Have a random French conversation with a friend who congratulates you on your improved skills. Act modest, smile coyly and pretend that it was all part of the master plan! Voila! You are almost French.
Montreal weather
I have been in Montreal for nearly two years now and yet the weather never ceases to amaze me! Warm one day, blizzard the next. I woke up this morning, alarmed to note that I had only one arm. I tried to recollect, casting my mind back to the previous night. Surely I had two arms when I went to bed? Didn't I ...? Cold weather and alcohol in the veins will do that to you.
In other news, we are plowing ahead with the design of our second website which will act as our 'corporate site,' (watch out Corporate Canada). Designer Benoit Poirier is busy at work and I'm eagerly awaiting a sneak preview. More details to follow ...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Salon Updates
Monday, March 31, 2008
Snapme online
We have just added our first podcast to our site which is pretty exciting! Our good friend Miami Hoodlum is the host and interviewed AV. It's called 'Electro Shock Therapy' (shock shock) and is my current favorite background music whilst working. It rocks so go check it out! (snapme).
We have been working hard lately, for a change (wink wink), and have recently made some really good contacts in this town. The first is Indyish who have a great site - I really love what these guys are doing so go check them out (how's that for cross promotion!). I've also started blogging on their site, just 'cause I have so much spare time you know. Another is Headquarters Galerie and Boutique who specialize in handmade products, art etc. These guys also rock and are on my 'you are cool' list.
Our website traffic continues to increase, something which I regularly check with a little device called 'Google Analytics.' My morning internet routine continues to grow. Rock on t'internet!
So if you haven't already, take a look at our site as we seriously cover some pretty cool Montreal-related arts and lifestyle happenings. If you know of any events etc. which could be of interest, let us know at We really try to keep abreast of what's going on in Montreal so any info is always welcome!
A+ (cause I'm bi-lin-gual after all).