Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zoe Pawlak on snapme

Zoe Pawlak was generous enough to work with us on our second print edition. You can view a short profile on her at the SNAP! Salon.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


It's raining in Montreal and we are now on myspace - why not eh? ( Wander on over over and check us out, might as well even add us ... hmm ...

We've had a relaxing week and a half. Work on edition 3 is well under way but given that we are still printing number 2, we are taking it a little slower than usual. This means that we've been out and about more, catching some cancer rays and enjoying the beginnings of the Montreal Jazz Fest (cause everyone likes a good jazz festival!). Montreal in the summer can't be beaten!

We're really happy with how edition 2 looks and can't wait to get it out there. We'll keep you posted about launch party details etc. Rock en the Seine!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hit Parade SNAP! TV

Go check our new SNAP! TV of the Hit Parade.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back in business

After a brief sojourn we're back on the interweb kids.

We went to print for edition 2 on Tuesday and it looks bloody awesome! We're so excited to get this edition out so now we're just waiting for that printing process ... hopefully it will be a smoother run compared to the first time 'round. Watch this space!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hit Parade SNAP! TV

Last night we shot a SNAP! TV at the 'Hit Parade,' which is part of the Suoni Festival.

11 people lay on the side walk outside Sala Rossa and each tapped a microphone on the ground 1,000 times. Once they had finished their 1,000, they got up and stepped away.

It took a good 15-20 minutes or so. We took a few bets on who was going to be the last man lying and I don't like to boast, but I basically had the last 3 sorted.

It was interesting to watch as the participants varied their beats throughout the 'performance.' The last two participants actually finished at the same time - a guy and a girl. The guy was tapping super fast (I'm guessing he was up to 567 when everyone else finished). In contrast, the girl (probably at 989) was tapping few and far between. They had a bit of a beat going between the two of them which was really nice.

Shannon was our host and nabbed a few interviews with the participants as well as Christof, the organizer. He did a similar event in Seoul, South Korea. There was a pretty good turn out and cars were forced to slow down and drive around the hordes of passersby, stopping for a gander.

We'll have the SNAP! TV up soon so I'll keep you posted!

A big thanks again to the boys at 'Dans le Sac' for shooting. You guys rock!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We're on Lost at E Minor!

Take a look!

Where are the paps?

This morning we balanced empty vodka bottles on empty wine bottles as we hastily put out the recycling, the truck a few metres down the road.

We have had several recycling containers stolen so poked gin bottle in amongst our neighbours organic sprout and mushroom boxes. We really should ask our landies for recycling box number 5 and label it with our street number.

One day we'll be semi-famous, D-grade celebrities most likely, and the paps will be snapping us as we run around scantily clad in the wee hours of the morning, boxer shorts and 'I love Oz' shirts on a sleepy 7.30 St. Laurent.

In real SNAP!-related news, we have had our first entries for the banner contest. Kirsten McCrea actually sent in 8 entries with the sentence "I made eight, I love you guys that much." I'm starting to feel the love and wonder that my mother hasn't entered yet.

Anyway, the banners rock! And once we finish work on the site, we'll be loading them! We'll be sending Kirsten a lovely Drawn & Quarterly book so get involved and join the ranks!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


And so a little sneak of a new feature on our SNAP! site. We are about to launch 'SNAPPED,' our own take on Facehunter / Sartorialist - style sites. Danielle Kasperavicius is our eyes on the ground and has been busy out snapping hot local street style in Montreal.

Here is a sneak preview. Watch this space for more!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Design a SNAP! banner to win a Drawn & Quarterly prize!

We are running a promotion to design a banner for the SNAPME site. Submissions can be in the form of photography, illustration, painting, you name it and we'll take it. Send your work at 6.5" x 1" at 300 dpi to Oh SNAP!

As a special thank you, we will be rewarding designers with their very own book from Drawn & Quarterly. Here are a few image covers to get you excited.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Power to the people!

I love the guys at Wooster!

Edition 2

It's raining in Montreal and the city is a bit dreary. We are 2 weeks away from our next print deadline which means increased chair time, phone bills and instant noodles. We lampooned ourselves a cheeky wee scooter and when the pressure gets a little hot to handle, we race around the loft. The cats love it. Obviously.

It's a busy but exciting week ahead as we will wrap up content submissions - words, images and design. We have a few photo shoots planned as well as a bunch of photos to take ourselves. The street guide makes for a lot of footwork and we hope to knock it over by the weeks end. So we'll be prowling about town trying to sweet talk our way into free cafe lattes, sushi platters, and whatever else we can get our dirty paws on.

We have several graphic designers working with us on edition 2 so a big welcome to Xavier Tolentino and Andrea Ferro. Our mainstay Sarah Williams will be keeping an eye on them but we're excited to spread our design wings and experiment a little.

This week also spells a big push towards securing advertising dollars (there are only so many instant noodles that even I can take). So I'm thinking phone calls, press kits, repeated emails, restraining orders and saxophones on Guy Street. Should be a hoot!

We also have a few SNAP! TV plans, one of which we will shoot tomorrow afternoon. It's all a little hush hush at this stage but check back for more info.

So a big good night from this slightly neglected blog! I'll try to tend to it with greater care but no promises promises! Oh SNAP!

Issue 1 - check us back!

Feedback is very welcome on edition 1 as we plow on through to numero dos.